Thursday, March 11, 2010

Things i do leave me itchin' my head with a raised eyebrow...Oh Bother...

i hate when i procrastinate for a couple of months and then finally when i do what i need to, it turns out to be super simple and cheap. oh and it happens in a matter of seconds. Old habits die hard.......
This is some stuff that i think you'll find interesting and worth while. and funny. or maybe you wont. but 'eh, fugh it.

'How To Make it in America' - a new HBO show about the grind to make it to the big time. What's kool is that it concentrates on the journey to the top rather than the final destination itself. The cinematography is in between 'Cloverfield' and any other Hollywood production which gives it a very 'real', relateable feel. Kid Cudi's also in it. He's a pretty decent actor.

'The Buried Life' - Mtv realized it needed to make amends for Jersey Shore and believe it or not, for the first time in a long time have something really worth watching. The shows about 4 friends (from Canada) who travel around North America crossing things of there bucket list. For everything they cross off they help a random stranger out. Good television. Very empowering.
and this is where you can watch all the episodes

Lopez tonight - Some hilarious skits the show.

Surf + Skate -

Random Vid's -

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